Saturday, June 7, 2008


Quote on beauty by...Marie Stopes

"You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen, But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul's own doing. "

I read that and, isn't that the truth?!

I know for me, I have always been pretty hard on myself; comparing myself to others, sometime feeling like I don't measure up; falling short in some areas, beauty or brains. More recently however, (last few years) I've grown into myself more so and have a kindness for myself, realizing that I am perfect just the way I am. I wish I would have had that years ago; I could have saved myself so much unnecessary "self mental beatings" and lets not forget poor Rob. He has been the one to try and lift my spirit when those times were going on; so not a fair job for anyone. (thank you Rob ~ for being patient and kind; you are my truest friend)

I read that quote this morning and it just had a sweet sound that sang to my soul. I like it. Hopefully I'll live my life in a way that will continue to add to my beauty, enriching my soul.